Aerial panorama photo at Lake Pleasant

A different point of view

I woke up bright and early to head out to Lake Pleasant to get some new footage with my Air 2S and to test the quality of the stills. It was breezy but the drone handle the wind well and I was able to fly all around the lake. While my bird was flying around, I decided to capture a panoramic photo of the boat docks.

9 images stitched together of boat dock

The air 2s took a total of 9 images and save them as 1 merged JPG and 9 .dng files. The jpg looked good but wow, look at the resolution of the 9 stitched .dng files.

Zoomed in 100% boat in dock

An image size of 9970x6628 gives an incredible amount of detail. The image above is zoomed into %100 and looks very sharp.

I'm impressed and ready to do a ton more of these type of shots.